High Flow Insufflator, LED Light Source, and Full HD Video Camera for Laparoscopy
We design and develop specialized medical equipment with cutting edge technology, such as our Laparoscopy Tower, which provides an extraordinary quality image with Full HD definition and a very high level of luminocity with LED light, guaranteeing at the same time the stable maintenance of intra-abdominal pressure (pneumoperitoneum) with our High Flow Insufflator, allowing the development of highly complex procedures in the areas of general surgery, urology and gynecology.
Download Technical Features
Gastric bypass, bariatric surgery, Laparoscope, Laoaroscopy, Laparoscopic, insufflation, CO2 insufflator, Pneumoinsufflator, High flow insufflator BRB 102, LED light source FLX/LED_CCD 6062, Full HD video camera